Trying to do a wicked entrance to the cheese room and to impress Ross (I was sort of hyper and felt like killing some energy), I ran at the cheese room door to burst through the blue plastic hanging flaps (how else do you descibe them?) with a sick fly kick inwards. It would have been awesome... but i didnt really consider the height of the door and the height of me (im part of the european foods tall crew). So my forehead slammed smack into the top of the door and i flipped backwards onto the ground with my feet flying above me.
Ross was concerned.
And to my surprise i wasnt hurt or concussed.
Ross laughed at me and called me an idiot.
That was my day.
I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself.
The picture helped me to understand what you were talking about last night. That could have been nasty.
There is zero chance of me obtaining any injury at work, except maybe a paper cut.
unfortunately that photo isnt the ACTUAL cheese fridge i went though. but it looks like that
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